Grace Kids Newsletter/October

October Newsletter

Scope and Sequence for this Month:

October 1

Rain, Rain, Go Away (Genesis 6-9)

October 8 

A Table and a Tower (Genesis 10-11)

October 15 

The Father of Nations (Genesis 11-13)

October 22 

Let’s Make a Deal (Genesis 15-17)

October 29

The Judge Judges Justly (Genesis 18-19)

Memory Verses to work on:

Week of October 1: Genesis 7:12

Week of October 8: Genesis 11:9

Week of October 15: Genesis 12:2

Week of October 22: Genesis 15:6

Week of October 29: Psalm 75:7


Continuing the discussion at home:

Retell the Scripture used in each Sunday lesson by reading The Storybook Bible (see link to purchase), or using the videos found at You can also find activity and coloring sheets to use during your family's conversation on Once you have completed retelling the story, use the following questions to dig deeper into the Big Truths for each week.

Week of October 1 

Big Truth: God sent the flood to judge all the wickedness on earth.

Follow up Question: Did God’s flood destroy everyone? Why did God save Noah and his family? What does this tell us about God? 

Takeaway: God Punishes, but he also Saves

Week of October 8

Big Truth: People want to be great, but only God is Great.

Follow up Question:Why did the people want to build the tower? What are some ways we can put ourselves first like the people at Babel? Is it better to make ourselves look good or to show how great God is? What are some ways we can show how great God is? 

Takeaway: People wanted to be great, but only God is great

Week of October 15 

Big Truth: God promises to bless the nations through Abraham.

Follow up Question: How is the promised snake crusher connected to Abraham and Abraham’s family? How is he connected to the promise God made to Abraham?

Takeaway: Jesus Came from Abraham’s offspring to bless the nations.

Week of October 22

Big Truth: God can always be trusted.

Follow up Question: What were the amazing promises God made to Abraham (review Gen. 12:1-3)? How does God respond when Abraham has doubts about these big promises?

Takeaway: God helps Abraham overcome his doubt by reminding him that He will always keep His amazing promises.

Week of October 29 

Big Truth: God is the Judge who judges justly.

Follow up Question: Is there anyone who obeys God all the time? Explain. What did we just learn about how God responds when we obey? What is the only way to escape God’s judgment of sin?

Takeaway: In Jesus, God offers the forgiveness of sins. 

Partnering with you,

Lauren Wells

Johanna Escoe

David Laws