Grow Together


Growing Together in 2024

We’re passionate about God’s word here at Grace.

We’ve created this resource to help our people engage with scripture and stay connected to God's word throughout the year. Our hope is that it would help you join us in reading the bible together, memorizing the bible together, studying the bible together, and laboring together for the bible to reach every country on earth.

Inside, you’ll find our annual bible reading plan, weekly Life Verses, and information about bible studies, community groups, and family discipleship. Our prayer is that by this time next year, our Grace family would have a deeper love and a deeper understanding of God’s word.



We love to study God’s word together here at Grace. Throughout the week, we have multiple opportunities to read and apply God’s word together in community. For a full list of bible studies, use the link the link below to see when and where groups meet and begin studying God’s word together.



These are a few of our favorite resources to help you be equipped with truth. Each website, book, and podcast is one our staff uses regularly and has found to be gospel-centered and God-glorifying.
