Grace Kids & Littles
All throughout scripture you can see God’s deep love for children. At Grace, we have this same love for kids, and we desire to partner with parents in their child’s spiritual formation.
At 9am & 11am, the youngest children (Birth through Pre-K) are invited to join us for Grace Littles where they'll learn from our Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum and the Beginners Gospel Story Bible Curriculum (rotated annually).
Older children (Kinder through 5th grade) will join parents for the beginning of the worship service to pray and sing along with you. Just before the sermon begins, we will dismiss them to a special Grace Kids time of their own. As you listen to the sermon, they'll be learning from the Biggest Story Curriculum.
Grace Students
We are passionate about making disciples. One of the most important ways we do this is by partnering with families in discipling students. We designed our youth ministry to help students encounter God, be equipped with truth, and engage the world.
Throughout the school year, students grades 6-12 meet every Wednesday night in the student room for Bible study. Students can begin arriving at 6:15 to grab a snack and hang out, and bible study begins at 6:30. Each week, there's a game, some student-led worship, and a teaching time followed by small group discussion.
Grace College Group
We love college students here at Grace. To help equip and disciple students, we have a dedicated community group that meets Sundays right after the 11:00am worship service.
Students meet in a family’s home each week to eat lunch together, study scripture, and build community. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out using the link below
Men & Women Ministries
Our Men and Women’s ministries exist to help our body grow as disciples and disciple-makers. We have women’s bible studies Mondays at 10:00am and Thursdays at 10:30am, and the men meet each Wednesday at 9:00am as well as Thursday nights. We also have a co-ed bible study on Thursday mornings at 8:30am. You can find the full list of bible studies here.
These ministries also gather together regularly for community breakfasts, retreats, conferences, and more.
Connect With Us
Want to reach out? Use the form below to let us know how we can help you and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.