COVID-19 Updates

Most Recent Update

MARCH 10, 2021

We recognize that many of you may be wondering what the rescinding of the state-wide mask order by the Governor means for us at Grace Church Salado. While the previous mask orders have not been legally binding for churches, they have been helpful in knowing the expectation of state leadership throughout this process.

The Elders, COVID counsel, and leadership team at Grace have been prayerful, attentive to recommendations from medical professionals, and extremely desirous of both unity and grace in our church family during these times.

With that said, the Elders have decided that as of Sunday, March 14, we will no longer require masks for Sunday worship gatherings, bible studies, community groups, or any other events on campus. We encourage individuals to continue practicing social distancing and those who would like to wear masks are welcome to do so.

Knowing that there are different preferences and opinions on these types of decisions, we hope that this will be an opportunity to put Romans 12:10 into practice, which says “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor”.

What Happens Next?

  • Livestream services will continue to be offered for those who are unable to attend in person

  • During this time, pre-registrations are still required for Grace Kids

  • All rows in the sanctuary will remain open, and we encourage groups and individuals to sit in a “checkerboard” pattern to maintain social distancing.


Older Updates

JANUARY 20, 2021

Grace Kids officially returns on Sunday, Jan 24th! And all the parents said, “Amen!”

We are so excited to see your families again. Here is a quick refresher on how we’re doing things:

  • All families must pre-register by Thursday in order to attend Grace Kids activities. See our Events page for links.

  • Check-in for all children will be moved to the breezeway to the west of the sanctuary. Only one parent, please.

  • No parents will be allowed in the children’s wing. Grace Littles will be escorted to their room by a volunteer at check-in. Grace Kids will be escorted to their room by the team when dismissed from worship.

  • Masks will be required for volunteers and all Grace Kids (Pre-K to 5th Grade).

  • We’ll work hard at maintaining social distancing and observing all good hygiene practices. See the plan document linked below for more details.

  • Dismissal will start in the breezeway where you will present you security tag and then proceed down the outdoor walkway to the Fellowship Hall door (under the steeple) to pick-up your children. One parent only, please.

January 1, 2021

In order to help keep families and volunteers safe, we have decided to postpone the reopening of Grace Kids and Grace Littles for a few more weeks.

We are hoping to reopen childcare within a few weeks and will keep families updated through email, digital bulletins, social media, and here on the church website.

What Happens Next?

  • During this time, registrations are not required for adults or children

  • As always, our family room is open during the service for families to use

  • We still require everyone Pre-K and up to wear a mask while entering, leaving, and singing on Sunday mornings

  • At this time, our hope is to relaunch Grace Kids and Grace Littles after the Advent season.

If you have any questions feel free to email us at

December 3, 2020

In order to help keep families and volunteers safe, we have decided to discontinue Grace Kids and Grace Littles for the remainder of the Advent season. We will be providing Advent resources for families and we want to strongly encourage parents to use this as an opportunity to worship together as a family unit. Our Sunday worship services will also include dedicated time to encourage, teach, and engage kids during this season.

Our desire is always to come alongside families and support them as the primary disciple-makers in the household, and this is a great chance to celebrate the Advent season together as a family.

What Happens Next?

  • During this time, registrations are not required for adults or children

  • As always, our family room is open during the service for families to use

  • We still require everyone Pre-K and up to wear a mask while entering, leaving, and singing on Sunday mornings

  • At this time, our hope is to relaunch Grace Kids and Grace Littles after the Advent season.

If you have any questions feel free to email us at

NOVEMBER 27, 2020

While most of our COVID protocols at Grace will remain the same, we do have a few important updates to our procedures.

  • Adults are no longer required to pre-register for Sunday worship. However, parents still need to register any kids who will be requiring childcare through Grace kids or Grace littles.

  • Please make sure to choose a seat at least 2 spots away from other groups. We are also looking into alternative seating arrangements moving forward.

  • We will have no childcare this Sunday (Nov. 29th) but we are planning on resuming Grace kids and Grace littles throughout the advent season.

  • Please make sure to wear a mask whenever entering the building, leaving the building, or while singing during worship. Once seated, you have the option of removing your mask during the service.

Please note: Grace Salado has had 3 families report positive case(s) for COVID-19 in the month of November

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

A big change is coming! Grace Kids officially returns on Sunday, October 4. And all the parents said, “Amen!”

We are so excited to see your families again. While most things will look similar for Grace Littles (Birth - 3 Yrs Old) and Grace Kids (Pre-K to 5th Grade), we have made some COVID-19 related changes to try to ensure the safety of our volunteers and children. We encourage you to watch the video or read the plan (linked below) for in-depth details. But, here are the highlights:

  • All families must pre-register by Thursday in order to attend Grace Kids activities. See our Events page for links.

  • Check-in for all children will be moved to the breezeway to the west of the sanctuary. Only one parent, please.

  • No parents will be allowed in the children’s wing. Grace Littles will be escorted to their room by a volunteer at check-in. Grace Kids will be escorted to their room by the team when dismissed from worship.

  • Masks will be required for volunteers and all Grace Kids (Pre-K to 5th Grade).

  • We’ll work hard at maintaining social distancing and observing all good hygiene practices. See the plan document linked below for more details.

  • Dismissal will start in the breezeway where you will present you security tag and then proceed down the outdoor walkway to the Fellowship Hall door (under the steeple) to pick-up your children. One parent only, please.

Questions? Contact Mrs. Lauren at


  • Are Community Groups and Bible Studies still meeting? Community Groups and Bible Studies may resume, at the leader’s discretion, while observing proper social distancing. Please contact your leader for more information.

  • Where I get more information? We’re closely following information from the following sources and suggest you do the same: CDC, Texas Department of Health Services, Central Texas Council of Governments

JUNE 14, 2020

For the foreseeable future, our plan is to continue holding regular Sunday services with required pre-registration and mandatory safety practices. These include a requirement of masks for all over the age of 10, socially distanced seating and foot traffic, restrooms limited to one-at-a-time-use, and hand sanitizer used at entrances and exits. We would love to have you join us in person. Please note that registration for each Sunday ends Saturday at noon.

We understand that not everyone can, should, or will attend in-person services. Please stay home and continue to worship with us online if you're a member of the at-risk population, have had symptoms of COVID-19, or recently been in contact with someone presumed or confirmed positive

April 3, 2020

We’re continuing the suspension of all Grace in-person and on-site events through May 3. In this way, we’re joining with local school districts and governments to be good neighbors and keep this virus at bay as much as we can. This includes Sunday morning worship, Community Groups, Bible studies, and more. Watch the video below to hear details from Pastor Jason about why we’ve made this decision and some additional things coming your way soon.

March 19, 2020

In light of recent events and in an effort to be good neighbors to all in our community, all Grace events have been suspended through at least April 4. This includes Sunday morning worship, Community Groups, Bible studies, March's Night of Prayer, and more. Watch the video below to hear details from Pastor Jason about why we’ve made this decision and what our plans are for posting worship services online.

March 16, 2020

Below, you’ll find a brief video update from Pastor Jason on activities and future plans at Grace. You’ll find more information posted on this page, the Events page of our site, and our Facebook page.

If you have questions we haven’t answered or are in need of any assistance, please contact

March 14, 2020

The elders at Grace have been carefully considering our church schedule in light of the rapidly developing Coronavirus situation. A few principles are guiding our decisions, and we hope they’ll do the same for you.

  1. Trust God. At Grace, we celebrate the sovereignty of God in all things. As Abraham Kuyper famously said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” We trust him to care for us at all times.

  2. Love your neighbors. We talk often about engaging others as the primary mission of our church. Right now, there’s a lot of fear in the world. People confident in God are in great demand now, as always. So, keep yourself well and be present for those who need your care and influence.

  3. Be wise. Listen to health experts, and be vigilant. Take the advice of washing your hands, practicing social distancing, and contacting your doctor if you feel ill. God has given revelation to humanity for a purpose. While we won’t buy into hysteria, we will practice the discipline of wisdom.

After considering the items above, we have canceled all Sunday activities for March 15.

This decision is not made lightly as Sunday morning gatherings are important to us all. However, this precaution is the best way to love one another and love our neighbors well. We want to ensure, as best we can, that our church body stays healthy for the community. We want to be present for and available to those around us who need the gospel.

We will continue to prayerfully evaluate future events. You’ll find information about those posted on this page, the Events page of our site, and our Facebook page.

If you have questions we haven’t answered or you are ill and in need of assistance, please contact

More updates will be posted as they become available.