Current Job Openings


Pastor of Discipleship

We’re looking for a full-time Pastor of Discipleship to help equip and mobilize our Grace family to make disciples. We’re praying for someone with a passion and gifting for discipleship, teaching, organizational leadership, and gospel ministry.


Meet Grace Church Salado

Grace Salado is a gospel-focused community that have been worshipping together and making disciples in the town of Salado for over 40 years.

Over the last 5-10 years, our Grace family has experienced radical change- our Sunday worship gathering has grown from less than 100 people to over 600, we’ve expanded our campus to increase our disciple-making capacity, we’ve seen over 70 people be baptized, and we had the opportunity to plant our first church last year.

While this growth has been exciting, it also created some real challenges. We need to multiply and launch more community groups, better equip our people with truth, train up leaders, and mobilize our church family to faithfully make disciples.

Because of this, we have the opportunity to create a new role and bring in a Pastor of Discipleship to help equip and mobilize our church family. Our hope is this individual will help us reinforce and live out our core values of celebrating God’s sovereignty, conforming to biblical truth, covenanting with one another, and committing to spread the gospel.

About the Pastor of Discipleship

The pastor of discipleship will play a key role in our mission to help people encounter God, be equipped with truth, and engage the world.

This new role will provide primary leadership in our equipping ministries, generational ministries, & community groups. They will be responsible for casting vision, identifying biblically-rich resources, training and equipping leaders, and providing support for all of our discipleship efforts.

We are looking for someone who is passionate and gifted in discipleship, teaching, organizational leadership, and gospel ministry.

Learn more here and apply using the form on the right.

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